I'll tell you a secret--I really don't care for running. But for some reason, every summer and part of the other 11 months of the year in Boston, I enter 5K and 5-miler races with the expectation that I've improved and suddenly am good at running. And every year I'm wrong.
It's the competition of the race that I like, being part of a pack, the pressure of having people around to witness your failure if you give up and walk. But the running, itself, is miserable.
After a run, though? Awesome. On top of the world. So satisfying, really.
So I guess that's why I continue to run even though I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, a runner.
Last week I ran the Marathon Sports 5-miler. The course is described as "moderately hilly", which I've come to discover is runner-speak for "hell". Boston was in the grips of a horrific heat wave, so that didn't help much. I was supposed to run with a friend, but that didn't work out. So the wonderful Mr. N very graciously agreed to meet me at the race after work to cheer me on. Thanks honey!
My pace for the first mile was under 10 minutes (that's good for me, in 100+ degree heat) but steadily declined from there. I wish I could say I ran the whole thing, but I can't. I do believe I did the best I could, under the circumstances, though. And that is the most important thing. Also, I didn't die. That's very important too.
love the team names! |